IELTS Avenue


IELTS speaking syllabus  

IELTS speaking part 

IELTS syllabus 

Speaking part 1 

The examiner will ask general questions about you, your likes, and your interests. The session lasts 4-5 minutes. The speaking part 1 questions will be about your personal life, academic achievements, family, and others. 

Speaking part 2 

The examiner will give you an IELTS cue card with a topic. You will be given one minute to prepare for the topic and should deliver a speech for two minutes. 

Speaking part 3 

The examiner will ask questions about your speech on cue card topics. You can share further ideas or opinions on the topic during this part. The final part of the interview lasts for 4-5 minutes. 

Describe a time when you lost your way. 

You should say: 

  • When and where did it happen? 
  • How did you feel when you were lost? 
  • How did you find your way out? 

Once, during a family trip to a bustling amusement park, I found myself lost in the maze-like crowd. It happened on a scorching summer day when we were exploring various attractions. The sheer excitement of the surroundings made me lose track of my family. 

Feeling a mix of panic and uncertainty, I looked around but couldn’t spot familiar faces. The towering roller coasters and colorful stalls seemed to blur into a confusing landscape. The initial excitement turned into a knot of worry as I realized I was on my own. 

To find my way out, I retraced my steps to the last spot where I remembered being with my family. However, the vastness of the park made it challenging to locate them. Fighting the rising anxiety, I approached a park staff member for help. They radioed my family’s description, and within what felt like an eternity, we were reunited. 

The overwhelming relief and joy flooded in as I hugged my family. That experience taught me the importance of staying vigilant in crowded places, but more importantly, it highlighted the kindness of strangers and the reassurance that help is often just a request away in times of uncertainty. 

Describe your favourite tv program? 

You should say: 

  • What was the program about? 
  • When did you watch it? 
  • With whom you watched? 
  • Do you like it? 

 “Friends” is this super cool TV show that’s all about six buddies living life in New York City. You’ve got Ross, who’s a bit nerdy but lovable; Rachel, the fashionista; Chandler, the sarcastic one; Monica, who’s a bit of a neat freak; Joey, the simple and charming ladies’ man; and Phoebe, the quirky, guitar-playing free spirit. Together, they make this awesome gang. 

The show is like a constant laugh fest. The friends are always getting into funny situations, whether it’s at their favourite coffee spot, Central Perk, or dealing with love and work. The chemistry between them is off the charts, and their inside jokes and banter make every episode a riot. 

What’s really cool is how the show captures the ups and downs of friendship and growing up. From dating mishaps to crazy career moves, they go through it all, and it’s so relatable. “Friends” isn’t just a sitcom; it’s like a guide to navigating adulthood with a lot of humour and heart. Even though it aired a while back, it’s still a total classic, and people everywhere still binge-watch it because it’s just that awesome. 

 What type of shows do people like to watch in your country? 

In my country, people gravitate towards a diverse range of shows. Reality competitions, family dramas, and sitcoms are popular, offering a mix of entertainment. Streaming platforms have gained immense popularity, with a growing preference for local content that reflects cultural nuances alongside international hits. 

Do people in your country like to watch foreign TV programs? 

Absolutely! In my country, there’s a widespread interest in foreign TV programs. From acclaimed dramas to popular sitcoms, people enjoy the diversity of content from around the world. Streaming services have made it easier for viewers to access and appreciate a global array of entertainment, fostering a love for international shows. 

Describe an important thing you learnt but not at school or college. 


You should say:  

  • When did you learn it? 
  • How did you learn it? 
  • Why did you think it was important to learn it? 
  • How you felt when you learnt it? 


The most important thing I learned didn’t come from school or college but from just living life. It’s all about being tough when things get hard, changing your plans when needed, and coming out even stronger. Life is full of surprises, and instead of seeing mistakes as failures, I’ve learned to see them as chances to grow. 

Another big lesson is that you need to keep learning, even after school is done. Life is always changing, with new things to discover and adapt to. Staying curious and open to new ideas is key. 

In dealing with people, I figured out that talking and understanding each other is a huge deal. It’s not something they teach you in textbooks, but it’s super important in real life. Building real connections and working through problems with others is a big part of the whole journey. 

So yeah, life itself is like this big teacher, showing me how to be strong, keep learning, and get along with others. It’s the kind of learning that goes beyond classrooms and exams, and it’s made a huge difference in how I see the world. 

Describe a problem you had while shopping online. 

You should say: 

  • When did it happen? 
  • What did you buy? 
  • What problem did you have? 
  • And explain how you felt about the experience. 

 It happened a few months ago when I decided to buy a new pair of sneakers online. I needed them for my daily runs, so I found a reputable online store and placed an order for a sleek pair that caught my eye. 

The problem occurred when the sneakers I received were the wrong size. Despite double-checking my order before confirming, I got a size smaller than what I needed. It was quite frustrating because I was really looking forward to using them for my runs. 

I immediately contacted the customer support of the online store to explain the situation. Fortunately, they were understanding and apologized for the mistake. They initiated a return process and assured me that I would get the correct size shipped to me without any additional charges. 

Even though the mix-up was inconvenient, I appreciated the quick response and resolution from the customer support team. They handled the situation professionally, and I felt relieved knowing that they were addressing the issue promptly. In the end, I received the right-sized sneakers, and the overall experience, despite the initial hiccup, didn’t deter me from shopping with that online store again. 


Describe an interesting neighbour. 

  You should say: 

  • How long you have known this neighbour? 
  • What sort of person he/she is? 
  • How often do you see him/her? 
  • And explain what kind of relationship you have with him/her OR explain why you consider this person to be an interesting neighbour? 


I’ve known my neighbor, Mr. Johnson, for about five years. He’s a retired school teacher with a heart as warm as his well-tended garden. What makes him interesting is his incredible knowledge of local history. Whenever we chat over the backyard fence, he shares fascinating stories about our neighborhood’s past – from the ancient oak tree at the end of the street to the origins of our quirky street names. 

Despite his retirement, Mr. Johnson is incredibly active. He spends hours in his garden, cultivating a variety of flowers and vegetables. His passion for gardening is contagious, and he often gives me tips on how to keep my plants thriving. 

I see Mr. Johnson almost every day, especially during the warmer months when he’s pottering around in his garden. We’ve developed a friendly rapport, and I feel comfortable discussing everything from gardening challenges to local events with him. His wealth of knowledge and friendly demeanor make him a valuable and interesting neighbor. He adds a unique charm to our community, connecting us with the rich history and natural beauty that surrounds us. 

Do you think neighbors are important? 

Yes, neighbors are important. They create a sense of community, offering support and companionship. Good relationships with neighbors enhance safety, foster a friendly environment, and provide a helping hand in times of need. Neighbors contribute to the overall well-being and connectedness of a community, making it a better place to live. 

Do most Indians know their neighbours? 

Yes, in India, many people know their neighbors. It’s common for neighbors to share close-knit relationships, participating in community events and festivals. This sense of familiarity fosters a supportive environment. While it varies, the cultural emphasis on community often leads to stronger connections between neighbors in many Indian neighborhoods. 


Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam. 

You should say: 

  • When and where it happened? 
  • How long you were in the traffic jam? 
  • What you did while waiting? 
  • And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam 

 It happened last month when I was driving home from work during rush hour. I got caught in a massive traffic jam on the city’s main expressway. What should have been a 30-minute drive turned into a two-hour ordeal of bumper-to-bumper traffic. 

As I sat in my car, surrounded by honking horns and a sea of vehicles, I couldn’t help but feel frustrated. The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow, and the monotony of the stagnant traffic tested my patience. To pass the time, I tuned into a podcast and tried to focus on something other than the gridlock. 

I felt a mix of irritation and helplessness. The standstill traffic seemed endless, and I couldn’t predict when it would clear. The impatience grew, especially knowing that I had no control over the situation. It was a hot day, and the stagnant air added to the discomfort. 

Eventually, as I inched my way out of the traffic jam, there was a palpable sense of relief. The experience taught me the importance of planning for potential delays and finding ways to stay calm in situations beyond my control. 

Are traffic jams common in your city? 50 words basic English?  

Yes, traffic jams are common in my city. With a lot of people and many vehicles on the roads, especially during rush hours, it’s usual to get stuck in traffic. It can be frustrating, but it’s a regular part of daily life for many people here. 

What can be done to improve traffic? 

To improve traffic, better public transportation, like buses and trains, can be introduced. Creating more lanes and maintaining roads can help. Encouraging people to carpool or use bicycles is good too. Additionally, implementing traffic rules strictly and raising awareness about responsible driving can contribute to smoother traffic flow. 


Describe a time when you helped a child.  

You should say:  

  • When it was? 
  • How you helped him/her? 
  • Why you helped him/her? 
  • And how you felt about it? 



A few months ago, I witnessed a young child, about five years old, who got separated from his parents in a bustling shopping mall. It was a weekend, and the place was crowded. I noticed the child looking lost and distressed, so I approached him. 

I asked if he knew his parents’ names or if there was anyone, he could point me to. Through his teary eyes, he managed to tell me his mom’s name. With the help of the mall’s security personnel, we made an announcement. Soon, his worried parents approached us, visibly relieved. 

I helped the child because I couldn’t bear to see him scared and alone. Being a parent myself, I could empathize with the distress his parents must have been feeling. In such a crowded place, it felt like the right thing to do. 

The relief on the child’s face and the gratitude in his parents’ eyes were incredibly rewarding. I felt a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that a simple act of assistance could reunite a scared child with his family. It reaffirmed the importance of looking out for one another, especially in moments of vulnerability. 

Should parents teach kids to help others? 

Yes, parents should teach kids to help others. It instils kindness, empathy, and a sense of responsibility. Teaching children the value of helping fosters a compassionate society. It builds character and encourages positive relationships, preparing them to contribute positively to their communities as they grow. 

Do people do more good work now as compared to the past? 

It’s challenging to generalize, but people continue to do good work both now and in the past. Society evolves, and new challenges arise, prompting different forms of positive actions. Acts of kindness, charity, and community service have been constants across time, reflecting humanity’s intrinsic capacity for goodness. 

 Describe an advertisement that you don’t like. 

You should say: 

  • When did you see it? 
  • What it is about? 
  • Where you saw it? 
  • Why you didn’t like it? 

I recently encountered an advertisement while watching TV that left me with a negative impression. It was for a cleaning product claiming to be the “ultimate solution” for all household cleaning needs. The ad was overly dramatic, portraying a chaotic, messy home before miraculously transforming into a pristine space after using their product. 

I saw this commercial during a prime-time show, and the exaggerated claims and dramatization felt insincere and manipulative. The over-the-top presentation, with before-and-after scenes that seemed too good to be true, made the advertisement lack credibility. The focus on creating a problem to sell a solution rather than genuinely addressing a need left me skeptical. 

Moreover, the advertisement perpetuated gender stereotypes by exclusively featuring women struggling with cleaning challenges. This outdated portrayal felt out of touch with the diverse roles individuals play in households today. 

In essence, the advertisement failed to connect with me due to its lack of authenticity, reliance on exaggeration, and reinforcement of outdated gender norms. It underscored the importance of advertisers aligning their messaging with contemporary values and avoiding manipulative tactics that can turn viewers away. 

Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements? 

Yes, people often buy things after watching advertisements. Ads create awareness about products and influence consumer choices. Effective advertising can generate interest, highlight benefits, and drive purchasing decisions. The impact varies, but ads play a significant role in shaping consumer preferences and encouraging them to try or buy a product or service. 

Is music useful in advertising? 

Yes, music is very useful in advertising. It enhances emotional connections, captures attention, and reinforces brand identity. The right music can evoke specific feelings, making advertisements more memorable. Whether it’s a catchy jingle or a well-chosen soundtrack, music plays a crucial role in creating a positive and lasting impact on viewers. 

Describe a memorable event from your childhood. 

  • Describe the event. 
  • When and where did it happen? 
  • Who were the people involved? 
  • Why is it memorable to you? 

When I was young, my family took a trip to a big fair in our town. It happened on a sunny Saturday afternoon in the park downtown. I went with my mom, dad, and my older sister. 

The fair was bustling with colourful tents, rides, and games. The air was filled with the smell of popcorn and cotton candy. I remember feeling excited as I held my dad’s hand, eager to explore everything. 

We went on rides together, my sister and I laughing and screaming on the spinning teacups and the big Ferris wheel. I won a goldfish at one of the game stalls and proudly carried it in a plastic bag. 

But what made this day extra special was winning a giant stuffed bear at a dart game. I aimed carefully, and to my surprise, I popped a balloon on the first try! I hugged that bear tightly, feeling like I’d won the biggest prize ever. 

That day is etched in my memory because it was filled with so much fun and happiness. The joy of spending time with my family, winning prizes, and laughing together made it a day I’ll never forget. 

Describe an achievement you are proud of. 

  • What is the achievement? 
  • When did it happen? 
  • How did you accomplish it? 
  • Why is it significant to you? 

One achievement that really made me proud was finishing a big puzzle all by myself. It happened last year on a rainy weekend at home. 

I found this huge jigsaw puzzle in our closet. It had hundreds of pieces, and the picture was of a beautiful forest scene. I decided I wanted to put it together on my own. 

So, I cleared a space on the floor, spread out all the pieces, and got to work. It was tough at first, trying to find where each piece fit. Some parts were easy, like the sky or the trees, but others were tricky, like the forest floor. 

I spent the whole weekend working on it, and slowly, bit by bit, the picture started to come together. When I finally placed the last piece, I felt so happy and proud of myself. It was a small thing, but it meant a lot to me because I did it all by myself. 

Finishing that puzzle showed me that with patience and determination, I could achieve something even if it seemed difficult at first. It taught me that hard work pays off, and that’s why it’s a special achievement for me. 

Talk about a challenging situation you faced and how you dealt with it. 

  • What was the situation? 
  • How did it challenge you? 
  • What steps did you take to overcome it? 
  • What did you learn from the experience? 

Once, during a school project, I faced a tough situation. We had to do a big presentation in front of the whole class about space. I was excited but also nervous because speaking in front of everyone scared me. 

Preparing for the presentation was hard. I had to research a lot about space, make slides, and practice what I would say. But the hardest part was speaking in front of people. I was afraid of making mistakes and forgetting things. 

To overcome it, I practiced a lot at home in front of my family. They encouraged me and gave me tips. I also tried speaking in front of a mirror to get more confident. On the day of the presentation, I took deep breaths and reminded myself that I knew a lot about space. 

When it was my turn, I looked at my notes and talked slowly. I made eye contact with my classmates and tried to speak confidently. It wasn’t perfect, but I did it without getting too nervous. 

From that experience, I learned that practicing and staying calm helps when facing something scary. It also showed me that making mistakes is okay, and everyone gets nervous sometimes. I felt proud that I faced my fear and completed the presentation. 

Describe a time you spent a lot of money on something. 

  • You should say: 
  • What you bought? 
  • When you bought it? 
  • Where you bought it? 
  • Explain why you spent a lot of money to buy it?? 

A while back, I spent a lot of money on a shiny red bicycle. It was a sunny day in spring when I bought it from a local bike shop in town. 

I had been saving up for a long time to get a new bike. I wanted one that was sturdy, fast, and, most importantly, my favorite color—red! When I saw this bike at the shop, I knew it was the one. 

It was a bit more expensive than I had planned, but it had all the features I wanted. The gears were smooth, the brakes worked perfectly, and the color was just amazing. Plus, it had a cool bell and a basket for carrying things, which I really liked. 

I spent a lot of money on it because I knew it would be worth it. I wanted a bike that would last a long time and make riding around the neighborhood more fun. Every time I hop on that red bike, it brings a huge smile to my face, and that’s why spending a bit extra on it felt right. 

Describe a shop near where you live that you sometimes go to. 

  • You should say: 
  • Where it is located? 
  • What items does it sell? 
  • How often you go there?
  • and explain why you go there. 

There’s a cozy corner shop right down the street from my house. It’s nestled between two tall buildings and has a colorful sign that reads “Sunshine Corner.” This shop sells a bit of everything—snacks, drinks, magazines, and even small toys. 

I go there quite often, maybe a few times a week. It’s convenient because it’s so close, and sometimes I visit after school with my friends. They have the best snacks, from crispy chips to yummy chocolates, and they even have my favorite fizzy drink that I can’t find everywhere. 

But what I really like about the shop is the friendly owner, Mr. Patel. He always greets everyone with a smile and knows what each person likes. He tells funny jokes and sometimes gives us little discounts or free candies, which makes us feel special. 

I go to Sunshine Corner not just for the snacks but also because it feels like a little community hub. I get to chat with neighbors, share stories, and spend time in a place where everyone knows each other. It’s more than just a shop; it’s a place filled with warmth and friendliness that keeps me going back. 

Describe a piece of clothing that someone bought for you. 

  • You should say: 
  • What it was? 
  • Who bought it for you? 
  • Why s/he bought it for you? 
  • and explain how you felt about learning this good news. 

One day, my aunt surprised me with a cozy, soft hoodie. It was a bright blue color with my favorite cartoon character embroidered on the front. She bought it for me as a gift when she visited us during the holidays. 

My aunt knew how much I adored that character and how I often talked about wanting a hoodie with its design. She said she spotted it in a store and instantly thought of me, knowing it would make me happy. 

When she handed me the hoodie, I was overjoyed! I felt so touched that she remembered my wish and took the time to get it for me. Putting it on felt like wearing a warm hug. I wore it almost everywhere—on chilly evenings, during movie nights, and even to school. 

Learning about her surprise gift made me feel incredibly grateful and loved. It wasn’t just about the hoodie; it was the thoughtfulness behind it that meant the world to me. Every time I wore it, I remembered her kindness and how lucky I was to have such a caring aunt. 

Describe a house or apartment you want to live in. 

  • You should say: 
  • What it would look like? 
  • Where it would be located? 
  • What facilities this would have? 
  • and explain why you want to live there. 

I dream of a cozy house nestled by a peaceful lakeside. It would have a charming cottage-style exterior with a sloping roof and a wrap-around porch. The house would be surrounded by lush greenery and colorful flowers, making it feel like a tranquil oasis. 

This dream home would be located in a serene countryside area, far away from the city’s hustle and bustle. It would sit near a sparkling lake, offering breathtaking views from every window. 

Inside, it would be warm and inviting with a rustic yet modern touch. Large windows would let in plenty of natural light, and there’d be a fireplace for cozy evenings. The kitchen would be spacious, perfect for cooking homemade meals, and there would be a small study nook overlooking the lake. 

The house would also have a dock by the lake, a place where I could unwind, read, or simply soak in the beauty of nature. Having such a peaceful and serene environment would bring a sense of calmness and joy to my life. 

I dream of this home because it represents a peaceful retreat, a place where I can disconnect from the chaos of the world and reconnect with nature. The idea of waking up to the tranquil waters and the beauty of the countryside is incredibly appealing to me. 

Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child. 

  • You should say: 
  • What is it? 
  • With whom did you play? 
  • How often you played it? 
  • How did you feel about it? 

As a kid, I absolutely loved playing “Hide and Seek” with my friends. We played it almost every weekend when we gathered at one of our houses. 

We were a group of five friends, and the game was our favorite. One person would close their eyes and count while the rest of us hid. Then, the seeker would try to find everyone. We’d scurry around, giggling and trying to find the best hiding spots—behind curtains, under beds, or squeezed into closets. 

We played it so often because it was pure joy. The thrill of hiding and trying not to giggle while the seeker passed by was so exciting. And when we were the seeker, the challenge of finding our friends made our hearts beat fast. 

What I loved most was the excitement and laughter it brought. It didn’t matter who won; it was about the fun of playing together. It made us feel happy and carefree, forgetting about everything else for a while. Even now, when I think about those games, they bring back the fondest memories of my childhood, filled with laughter and friendship. 

Describe a beautiful place to visit in your country. 

  • You should say: 
  • Where it is? 
  • How to get there? 
  • What there is to do? 
  • When you are there? 
  • Explain why you recommend this place? 

One breathtaking place in my country is the stunning Niagara Falls. It sits on the border between Canada and the United States, and reaching there is quite easy. If you’re in Canada, you can drive or take a bus to the city of Niagara Falls, and if you’re in the U.S., you can do the same to the town of Niagara Falls, New York. 

When you arrive, the sight of the colossal falls is awe-inspiring! You can take a boat tour, like the Maid of the Mist, that gets you close enough to feel the mist from the falls or explore behind the falls through tunnels. There are also scenic viewpoints, parks, and gardens around offering breathtaking views and fantastic photo opportunities. 

The best time to visit is during the summer when the weather is pleasant, but it’s also magical in winter when the falls freeze, creating a stunning icy landscape. 

I recommend Niagara Falls because it’s a natural wonder that leaves you speechless. The sheer power and beauty of the falls are mesmerizing. It’s a place where you can experience nature’s grandeur up close, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Plus, there’s something for everyone, making it a perfect destination for families, couples, or solo travelers. 

Describe a time you visited a place with friends. 

  • You should say: 
  • Where you went?? 
  • What you did there?? 
  • Who you were with?
  •  Explain why it was a memorable experience? 

One summer, my friends and I decided to visit a nearby amusement park. It was an exciting day out with laughter and thrills. 

We went on roller coasters, spinning rides, and even tried the dizzying Ferris wheel. The park had games too, and we competed against each other for fun prizes. We laughed so much, especially when one of us won a giant stuffed bear at a game booth. 

I was with my best buddies, Sarah, Jack, and Emily. We’ve been friends since forever, and going on adventures together always brings out the best moments. 

The day was memorable because of the non-stop fun and the shared experiences. From screaming on the rides to sharing cotton candy, every moment was filled with joy and laughter. The best part was seeing everyone’s faces light up with excitement. 

What made it special was the bond we shared. We took silly photos, cheered each other on the rides, and made unforgettable memories. It was one of those days where time seemed to fly by, and we wished it wouldn’t end. It’s a day I’ll always cherish, filled with friendship and pure happiness. 

Describe a time you enjoyed your free time. 

You should say: 

  • When it was? 
  • Where you were? 
  • What did you do? 
  • How you felt about it?? 

One sunny Saturday afternoon, I found myself with a free day. I decided to spend it at the local park near my house. The park was a green oasis with tall trees, a small lake, and winding paths. 

I brought along my favorite book and a picnic blanket. I found a quiet spot under a big oak tree by the lake, spread the blanket, and settled in. The gentle breeze rustled the pages of my book as I got lost in its world. 

For hours, I read, occasionally pausing to gaze at the shimmering water or watch families enjoying picnics nearby. The birds chirped melodiously, and the distant sound of children playing added to the peaceful atmosphere. 

I felt incredibly content and relaxed. The simple pleasure of being surrounded by nature, immersed in a good book, made the day special. It was a rare chance to unwind and enjoy my own company. The park became my serene sanctuary, and the time spent there was refreshing, filling me with a sense of tranquility and gratitude for the little joys life offers. 

Describe an important historical event in your country. 

  • You should say: 
  • When it happened? 
  • What happened? 
  • Who the most important people involved were? 
  • and say why it is important to the history of your country. 

One pivotal historical event in my country was the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. This marked the formal adoption of the Declaration by the Continental Congress, led by influential figures like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin. 

The Declaration of Independence signaled the United States’ break from British rule, declaring the thirteen American colonies as independent states. It asserted fundamental principles of human rights and freedom, stating that “all men are created equal” and have unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

This event is crucial in American history as it laid the groundwork for the birth of a new nation founded on democratic ideals. It ignited the American Revolutionary War, leading to a hard-fought struggle for independence and ultimately shaping the United States into the nation it is today. The Declaration of Independence remains a cornerstone document, symbolizing the values of freedom and self-governance that continue to define the country’s identity and influence its governance. 

Describe a situation when you waited for a bus or a train. 

You should say: 
– When it was? 
Where you waited? 
– How long you waited? 
and explain how you felt about it. 

Last month, I found myself waiting for a train at the bustling station downtown. It was a weekday evening, and I needed to catch the train to get back home. 

I stood on the platform, checking the timetable now and then. The minutes ticked by, and the train seemed delayed. I ended up waiting for nearly 25 minutes, watching people bustling around, chatting on their phones, and eagerly anticipating their rides. 

At first, I felt a bit anxious about the delay. I worried about getting home late and missing my evening plans. But as I observed the bustling station, it became an interesting experience. I noticed the diverse mix of people around me, each with their own stories and destinations. Some were chatting animatedly, while others were lost in their thoughts or engrossed in books. 

Eventually, when the train finally arrived, I felt relieved. The delay didn’t bother me much anymore. It was an opportunity to people-watch and take in the bustling energy of the station. Waiting turned out to be less tedious and more of a moment to pause, observe, and appreciate the vibrant surroundings.  

Describe an unusual experience of traveling. Describe a place you visited with your friends and you had a good time. 

  • You should say: 
  • Where you went?
  •  When you went there? 
  • Who you were with?
  •  What you did there?
  •  Explain why it is unusual? 

A while ago, my friends and I embarked on an adventurous trip to a remote forest cabin. It was during the fall, just as the leaves were turning vibrant shades of orange and red. 

We were a group of four—Sarah, Jack, Emily, and me. The cabin was nestled deep in the woods, far from any bustling city. It was a quaint wooden cabin surrounded by towering trees and a small stream nearby. 

Our days were filled with unique activities. We hiked along hidden trails, roasted marshmallows over a crackling bonfire, and even tried our hand at stargazing. The nights in the woods were magical, with the sound of owls hooting and the rustling leaves creating a symphony of nature. 

What made this trip unusual was its remoteness and the sense of being completely disconnected from the outside world. There was no internet, no city noise—just us, the woods, and a peaceful tranquility that enveloped us. 

It was an unusual and memorable experience because it allowed us to immerse ourselves fully in nature’s embrace, away from the usual hustle of daily life. The simplicity of those days, spent with friends, amidst the serene beauty of the forest, made it an unforgettable journey. 

Describe a long car journey you went on. 

  • You should say: 
  • Where you went? 
  • How long it took? 
  • Who you went there with? 
  • and explain why you went on that journey by car. 

A while back, my family and I embarked on a long car journey to visit our relatives in another state. We traveled from our home in the city to a rural town, and the journey took us nearly twelve hours. 

It was me, my parents, and my younger brother in the car. We left early in the morning, and the road stretched ahead, winding through picturesque landscapes and passing by towns and fields. We played car games, listened to music, and stopped at roadside diners for meals. 

We chose to drive because we wanted to spend quality time together and enjoy the scenic route. Along the way, we made unexpected stops at quirky roadside attractions and breathtaking viewpoints. It wasn’t just about reaching our destination; it was about the journey itself. 

The car journey became an adventure, filled with laughter, shared moments, and new discoveries along the way. Despite the long hours on the road, it allowed us to bond as a family and create lasting memories that made the trip truly special. 

Describe a noisy place you have been to. 

  • You should say: 
  • Where it was? 
  • Why you went there? 
  • Why it was noisy? 
  • and explain how you felt about being there. 

Once, I found myself in a bustling city market. I went there with my mom to buy groceries and some household items. 

The market was noisy with vendors shouting out their prices, people bargaining, and the constant honking of vehicles. There were stalls selling fruits, vegetables, clothes, and all sorts of goods. The vibrant colors and the array of products made it a lively but noisy place. 

It was noisy mainly because of the sheer number of people and the chaos of bargaining and transactions happening all around. Each vendor tried to attract customers with their loudest voices, creating a cacophony of sounds. 

Being there was both overwhelming and exciting. The chaos was a bit disorienting at first, but I soon found it fascinating. The energy of the place was infectious, and despite the noise, there was a sense of vibrancy and liveliness that made the experience unique. It was a glimpse into the hustle and bustle of city life, and while it was noisy, it was an adventure in its own way. 

Describe an old building that you like. 

  • You should say: 
  • Where it is? 
  • How old it is? 
  • What it is used for? 
  • and explain why you like/dislike it. 

There’s an old church in my neighborhood that I admire. It stands gracefully on the corner of the street, its weathered bricks and intricate architecture revealing its age. It’s been there for over a hundred years, a symbol of history and heritage. 

This church, with its towering spire and stained glass windows, has been a place of worship for generations. Its walls echo stories of prayers, celebrations, and moments of solace. Despite its age, it’s still used for religious services, community gatherings, and events. 

What I like about this old building is its timeless beauty and the sense of history it carries. Each crack in the walls seems to hold a tale, and the majestic architecture captivates me. It’s a reminder of the craftsmanship of the past and the significance of preserving our heritage. 

The peaceful aura that surrounds the church draws me in. I find solace in its quiet presence amidst the bustling city. It’s a place that feels steeped in tradition and reverence, and standing before it, I feel a sense of awe and respect for the stories it holds within its walls. 

Describe a tourist attraction that you have visited. 

  • You should say: 
  • Where it was?
  •  When you went there? 
  • Who were with you? 
  • what you saw and did there as a tourist.

I once visited the Grand Canyon, a majestic natural wonder in the southwestern United States. It was a sunny summer day when I went with my family—my parents, my younger sister, and me. 

We arrived at the Grand Canyon National Park and were greeted by the breathtaking sight of the vast canyon spread before us. The sheer size and the colorful layers of rock formations were awe-inspiring. 

We spent the day exploring different viewpoints along the rim. We took a leisurely walk along the trails, admiring the panoramic vistas and the play of sunlight on the canyon walls. We even took a few pictures to capture the stunning scenery. 

There were also ranger-led talks where we learned about the history and geology of the canyon, which added depth to our experience. We didn’t miss the chance to watch the sunset, a mesmerizing display of colors painting the canyon as the day bid farewell. 

Visiting the Grand Canyon was a memorable experience because of its sheer beauty and grandeur. Being in the presence of such natural magnificence left an indelible impression, reminding me of the wonders nature has to offer. 

Describe a present you have given to someone.

  •  You should say: 
  • Who you gave it to? 
  • What kind of present it was? 
  • How it compares to other presents you have given? 
  • Explain why you decided to give this particular gift? 

I once gave my best friend, Sarah, a handmade scrapbook as a birthday present. It was filled with our memories—photos, tickets from movies we saw together, little notes, and doodles. 

Compared to other presents I’ve given, this one was more personal and heartfelt. I usually bought gifts, but this time, I wanted to create something unique for Sarah, something that showcased our friendship. 

I decided on a scrapbook because it held our shared moments, reminding us of our adventures and laughter. I spent weeks gathering pictures and memorabilia, pouring my heart into each page. 

When I gave it to Sarah, she was overwhelmed with emotions. She flipped through the pages, reminiscing about our fun times. Seeing her smile and tear up a little made it all worth it. 

I chose this gift because I wanted to show Sarah how much our friendship meant to me. It wasn’t just a material present; it was a token of our cherished moments together. It represented our bond, and seeing her appreciate it made me happy beyond words. 

Describe a picture or photograph in your home/room that you like. 

  • What is it about? 
  • Where is it in your home? 
  • How you got it? 
  • Why do you like it? 

In my room, there’s a framed photograph that holds a special place in my heart. It’s a picture of a serene beach at sunset, with vibrant hues painting the sky in shades of orange, pink, and purple. 

The photograph hangs on the wall right beside my bed. I got it as a gift from my uncle, who’s a talented photographer. He took this picture during his travels and thought I’d appreciate the calming beauty it captured. 

What I love about this photograph is the tranquility it exudes. The way the colors blend and the sun dips into the horizon fills me with a sense of peace. It reminds me of the beauty of nature and the simple joys of life. 

I like to sit on my bed and gaze at the photo when I need a moment of calm. It transports me to that serene beach, even if just in my imagination. It’s a reminder to appreciate the beauty around us and find moments of peace in our daily lives. That’s why this photograph holds a special place in my room—it’s more than just a picture; it’s a window to serenity. 

Describe a pleasant surprise you had.

  •  You should say: 
  • When it was?
  •  Why you were surprised? 
  • Who were there with you? 
  • and explain how you felt about it. 

One sunny afternoon, I was at a family gathering celebrating my grandmother’s birthday. We were having a delightful time, chatting and enjoying the festivities. Suddenly, amidst the laughter and chatter, the doorbell rang. 

Curious, I went to answer it. To my surprise, there stood my best friend, whom I hadn’t seen in years! I was utterly shocked and overjoyed. She had traveled from across the country as a surprise visit. 

My family, in cahoots with my friend, had planned this reunion secretly. Seeing her there, grinning from ear to ear, brought tears of happiness to my eyes. We hugged tightly, laughing and reminiscing about old times. 

The joy of unexpected company made the celebration even more special. It felt like a burst of sunshine amid a beautiful day. Having my best friend join us was beyond anything I could have imagined. 

The surprise visit created a warmth and happiness that lingered throughout the gathering. It was a reminder of the power of friendships and unexpected moments that bring immense joy. The surprise turned an ordinary day into an unforgettable and heartwarming celebration. 

Talk about an interesting conversation. 

  • You should say:  
  • Who was the person? 
  • When and where did you have the conversation? 
  • What was the conversation about? 

I had a fascinating conversation with my neighbor, Mr. Rodriguez, last summer in our neighborhood park. It was a bright morning, and I bumped into him while taking a stroll. 

Mr. Rodriguez is an elderly gentleman with a wealth of stories. As we sat on a bench, he began sharing tales about his adventures as a young sailor traveling the world. He spoke of the different countries he visited, the cultures he experienced, and the friendships he forged along the way. 

The conversation veered into discussions about resilience and embracing life’s adventures. He recounted moments of facing storms at sea and how those challenges taught him invaluable life lessons about perseverance and adaptability. 

What made this conversation so intriguing was Mr. Rodriguez’s vivid storytelling and the wisdom he shared. His tales transported me to distant lands, and his perspective on life was enlightening. 

Listening to his stories left me inspired and eager to embrace new experiences. It was a reminder that every person has a treasure trove of stories, and sometimes, the most captivating conversations happen unexpectedly, revealing lessons that stay with us for a lifetime. 

Describe a person who has apologized to you. 

  • You should say: 
  • Who this person is?
  •  When this happened? 
  • What this person said for apologizing? 
  • Explain how you felt about the apology? 

My friend, Emily, once apologized to me after a misunderstanding between us. It happened last year during a gathering at our friend’s house. 

There was a mix-up about plans we had made, leading to some confusion and hurt feelings. Later that evening, Emily approached me with a sincere look and said, “I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn’t mean for things to get confusing.” 

Her apology was straightforward and heartfelt, acknowledging the confusion without blaming anyone. She expressed her regret and hoped to clear the air between us. 

I felt relieved and appreciated her apology. It wasn’t easy for her to admit fault, but her willingness to apologize showed maturity and care for our friendship. Her words dissolved any lingering tension, and we were able to move past the misunderstanding. 

Her apology strengthened our bond, showing that misunderstandings happen, but genuine apologies can mend relationships. I felt grateful for her sincerity and willingness to make things right, and it deepened my respect for her as a friend. 

A person who taught you something important. 

  • You should say:  
  • Who the person is? 
  • What he/she is like?
  •  What he/she taught you? 
  • How you felt about him/her? 

One person who taught me an important lesson is my grandfather. He’s a kind-hearted man with a gentle demeanor. He’s always been patient and understanding, with a wisdom that comes from years of experience. 

He taught me the value of perseverance. When I was younger, I struggled with learning how to ride a bike. I kept falling and felt frustrated, ready to give up. But my grandfather never lost patience. He would encourage me, saying, “It’s okay to fall. What matters is getting back up and trying again.” 

His words stuck with me. He taught me that setbacks are part of learning, and the key is to keep trying. His encouragement and gentle guidance helped me finally learn how to ride that bike. 

I’ve always admired my grandfather for his calm nature and the way he imparts wisdom without being forceful. He showed me that persistence and patience are crucial in overcoming challenges. His teachings have shaped my approach towards difficulties, reminding me that with determination, even the toughest tasks can be conquered. I hold a deep respect and gratitude for the valuable lessons he has taught me. 

Describe an experience when you were with people and you got bored

 – When was it 
– Where was it 
– Why did you get bored 
– How you felt about it 

Last summer, I attended a family gathering at a relative’s house in the countryside. It was a beautiful setting, but as the adults engaged in lengthy discussions about grown-up topics, I found myself feeling quite bored. 

The conversations were about things I couldn’t quite understand, like mortgages and taxes. While I tried to listen, it didn’t capture my interest, and there were no other kids my age around to play with. 

As time passed, I felt increasingly restless. I tried to occupy myself by exploring the backyard, but there wasn’t much to do. The lack of activities that interested me made me feel disconnected and bored. 

I wished there were games or activities planned for everyone, something that would engage both kids and adults. Feeling bored in the midst of a family gathering made me a bit disappointed. I wanted to have fun and enjoy the time with my relatives, but the lack of engaging activities made it challenging. 

Despite the boredom, I tried my best to make the most of it by finding little ways to entertain myself. But I wished there were more inclusive activities that everyone could enjoy together. 

Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up. 
You should say: 
 Who this person was?

  •  When you first met the person? 
  • What the person did? 
  • You would like to become this person? 

When I was growing up, I admired my neighbor, Mrs. Thompson, who was a kind and compassionate nurse. I first met her when I was around seven years old, and she often helped out at our neighborhood health clinic. 

Mrs. Thompson was an incredibly caring person. She dedicated her life to helping others, whether it was tending to the sick at the clinic or volunteering at local shelters. Her compassion and selflessness made a lasting impression on me. 

I wanted to be like her because of her unwavering kindness and her ability to comfort those in need. She listened patiently to people’s worries and always had a comforting word or a smile to offer. 

Her willingness to help others inspired me greatly. I aspired to make a difference in people’s lives, just like she did. Seeing her dedication and empathy made me realize the importance of kindness and empathy in making the world a better place. 

Mrs. Thompson became my role model because she showed me the impact of kindness and compassion. I hoped to follow in her footsteps and make a positive difference in the lives of others, just as she did. 


Describe an irritating person you know about. 
You should say: 

  • Who is he/she? 
  • How you know him/ her? 
  • What he/ she does? 
  • Why you think he/she is an irritating person? 

There was this classmate, Tim, whom I encountered in high school. He had a habit of constantly interrupting others during discussions. I knew him from our science class. 

Tim was smart but had this habit of cutting off people while they were speaking. He’d jump in with his thoughts before anyone finished, making it hard for others to express themselves fully. This behavior often disrupted the flow of conversations, and it felt disrespectful. 

What made Tim irritating was his inability to listen and respect others’ opinions. His interruptions made it challenging for everyone to have a meaningful discussion. It created an atmosphere of frustration, and some classmates avoided sharing their ideas in fear of being interrupted. 

I felt irritated by Tim’s behavior because it felt dismissive and disrespectful. It was important for everyone to have a chance to speak and be heard, but his constant interruptions made it difficult. It disrupted the learning environment and hindered productive discussions. 

While Tim might not have realized the impact of his behavior, it made interactions with him frustrating. His habit of interrupting hindered open communication, making it hard to have constructive conversations. 

Describe an important journey that was delayed. 
You should say: 
 Why was it important? 

  • What caused the delay? 
  • What happened at the end? 
  • Describe what caused the delay? 

One significant journey I had was to attend my cousin’s wedding in another city. It was crucial for me to be there to celebrate this special occasion with my family. 

The journey was delayed due to unexpected heavy rain and subsequent flooding along the route. The downpour caused road closures and transportation disruptions, making it impossible to travel. 

Despite leaving early, our car got stuck in traffic caused by flooded roads. It was frustrating as we were so close yet couldn’t reach the destination due to the weather’s unpredictability. 

At the end, we had to turn back and return home. It was disappointing to miss such an important family event due to circumstances beyond our control. However, we stayed in touch with our family through video calls to congratulate and share the joy, albeit from a distance. 

The delay caused by the heavy rain and flooding was unforeseen, and it was disheartening not being able to make it to the wedding. The weather’s impact on the journey was unexpected and taught us the importance of being prepared for unforeseen circumstances during travels. 

Describe one of your birthday celebrations. 
You should say: 

  • When it was? 
  • Who were there? 
  • How you celebrated it? 
  • Explain how this birthday celebration was different? 

One of my memorable birthday celebrations was last year in August. I invited my closest friends and family to celebrate at a local park. 

It was a sunny day, and around fifteen of my friends and family members gathered at the park. We had a picnic with homemade food, played games like soccer and frisbee, and enjoyed the outdoors. 

What made this birthday celebration different was the simplicity and the joy of being together. Instead of a lavish party, we embraced the simplicity of the park, surrounded by nature and laughter. There were no fancy decorations or extravagant gifts, just genuine camaraderie and happiness. 

The atmosphere was relaxed, and everyone contributed to the celebration. We shared stories, sang happy birthday, and had a homemade cake. The joy of being surrounded by loved ones in a tranquil setting made it a unique and heartwarming celebration. 

This celebration stood out because it emphasized the essence of togetherness and appreciating the little things in life. It wasn’t about grand gestures; it was about the warmth of shared moments with the people who mattered most to me. 


The IELTS Speaking test typically lasts around 11 to 14 minutes in total. It consists of three parts: Part 1 (Introduction & Interview), Part 2 (Long Turn/Cue Card), and Part 3 (Discussion), with each part having a specific timeframe allocated for the examiner to assess your speaking abilities.   

In the IELTS Speaking test, a certified IELTS examiner conducts the assessment. These examiners undergo rigorous training and are highly qualified to evaluate candidates’ speaking abilities according to the IELTS assessment criteria. They conduct the test in a standardized manner to ensure fairness and consistency for all test-takers. 

For the IELTS Speaking test, aim for smart and comfortable attire. There’s no strict dress code but dressing neatly and professionally can help you feel confident. Avoid overly casual or distracting clothing. opt for something you’re comfortable in that also presents a positive and respectful image during the assessment. 

The IELTS Speaking test comprises three parts and generally takes around 11 to 14 minutes to complete: 

  • Part 1 (Introduction & Interview): Lasts about 4-5 minutes. The examiner introduces themselves and asks the test-taker questions about familiar topics such as hobbies, studies, work, etc. 
  • Part 2 (Long Turn): Lasts about 3-4 minutes. The test-taker receives a cue card with a topic and has 1 minute to prepare before speaking for up to 2 minutes about that topic. Afterward, the examiner may ask a follow-up question. 
  • Part 3 (Discussion): Lasts about 4-5 minutes. The examiner asks further questions related to the topic in Part 2, delving deeper into broader and more abstract issues. 

The test aims to assess a candidate’s ability to communicate effectively in English, evaluate their fluency, coherence, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation across different types of questions and speaking tasks. 

As you enter the IELTS Speaking room, here’s what you can do to create a positive impression and set a good tone for the test: 

  • Greet the Examiner: Politely greet the examiner with a simple “Good morning/afternoon.” 
  • Be Polite and Courteous: Maintain a friendly demeanour and be polite throughout. 
  • Follow Instructions: Listen carefully to any instructions given by the examiner. 
  • Relax and Take a Breath: Take a moment to relax and take a deep breath to calm any nerves before the test begins. 

Remember, the atmosphere in the room is meant to be comfortable and conducive to your best performance. Starting with a polite greeting and being attentive to instructions can help you feel more at ease during the speaking test. 

To excel in IELTS Speaking Part 1: 

  • Be Prepared: Expect questions about familiar topics like hobbies, studies, work, etc. Practice talking about these topics beforehand. 
  • Expand Answers: Don’t just provide short responses. Add details, examples, and explanations to showcase your language skills. 
  • Speak Naturally: Communicate naturally and fluently. Avoid memorized responses; aim for spontaneity. 
  • Listen Carefully: Pay attention to the examiner’s questions and answer directly without digressing. 
  • Vocabulary and Grammar: Use a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures. Aim for accuracy but don’t worry too much about small mistakes. 
  • Maintain Eye Contact: Engage with the examiner by maintaining eye contact and showing interest in the conversation. 
  • Stay Calm: Keep calm and focused. Nervousness is natural, but try to speak confidently and comfortably. 

Practicing mock interviews or speaking with a tutor can help you feel more confident and prepared for Part 1 of the speaking test. 

When responding to a Speaking cue card in IELTS, take a minute to plan your answer, organize thoughts into an introduction, main points, and a conclusion. Speak fluently, using examples and details to support ideas, and ensure a coherent structure while keeping within the given time limit of 2 minutes. 

IELTS Speaking Part 3 involves discussing broader and abstract topics related to Part 2’s theme. Engage in a deeper conversation, expressing opinions, discussing implications, and providing examples or explanations. Respond thoughtfully, addressing each question fully, and consider various aspects of the topic. Use advanced vocabulary and elaborate on your ideas, supporting them with relevant examples or experiences to showcase language proficiency and critical thinking skills.

In the IELTS Speaking test, you can’t change the cue card once it’s given to you. However, you have some control over how you respond to the topic. If you feel less familiar with the topic, try to approach it from different angles or discuss related aspects you’re more comfortable with. Adapt your response to showcase your language skills and ability to discuss various facets of the given topic.

Using slang in the IELTS Speaking test is generally not advisable. The test aims to assess your ability to communicate effectively in formal and informal situations. While some informal language might be acceptable (depending on context), using excessive slang or highly informal language might not demonstrate the appropriate level of language proficiency for this setting. It’s best to use standard English to showcase your communication skills effectively. 

Yes, it’s fine to ask the examiner to repeat a question in the IELTS Speaking test if you didn’t catch it or need clarification. It’s essential to fully understand the question to provide a relevant and accurate response. Politely asking for clarification shows your engagement and ensures you address the topic effectively. 

In the IELTS Speaking test, fluency and coherence are two criteria used to assess your spoken English: 

  • Fluency: Fluency refers to your ability to speak comfortably, smoothly, and without hesitation. It involves speaking at a natural pace, using appropriate linking words, and maintaining a steady flow of speech without too many pauses or disruptions. 
  • Coherence: Coherence assesses the organization and structure of your speech. It focuses on how well your ideas are connected and presented logically. This involves organizing your thoughts clearly, using cohesive devices (like linking words), and ensuring your responses are easy to follow and understand. 

Scoring a 7 band in the IELTS Speaking module requires showcasing a strong command of English with a range of vocabulary, accurate grammar, and clear communication. To achieve this: 

  • Fluency and Coherence: Speak confidently and coherently, expressing ideas logically with few hesitations or pauses. 
  • Vocabulary: Use a wide range of vocabulary accurately and appropriately. 
  • Grammar: Demonstrate control over grammar, using a mix of simple and complex sentence structures accurately. 
  • Pronunciation: Aim for clear pronunciation, intelligible to a broad audience, even if you have an accent. 
  • Engagement: Engage in the conversation, responding fully to the questions and demonstrating your ability to discuss various topics with depth and clarity. 

Practicing speaking regularly, getting feedback, and working on areas of improvement will enhance your chances of achieving a band score of 7 in the IELTS Speaking module. 

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